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numerology chart for president zerdari

A Decoz® Numerology Chart Analysis


President Zerdari


Hans Decoz

Birth data:

Asif Ali Zerdari

July 26, 1955

©  Copyright 1985,  2003,  Hans Decoz.

President Zerdari 
This chart was calculated with the numerology Chart Calculator 5.0.
To learn more about the calculation methods, the meaning of the numbers, and
how to delineate a chart, visit .

This chart was produced with the Chart Calculator program designed and
developed by Hans Decoz.   Copyright 2002 Hans Decoz.   All rights reserved.  
Charts produced with this software are not for marketing purposes and may not
be sold.   If you paid for this chart, or if this chart was part of a service for which
you were charged a fee, please notify Hans Decoz at or

Name:                                              President Zerdari 
Born:                                                           7/26/1955 
Full name at birth:                                Asif Ali Zerdari 
Life Path Number:                                                17/8 
Birthday Number:                                                    26 
Expression Number:                                            21/3 
Minor Expression Number:                                  20/2 
Heart's Desire Number:                                            8 
Minor Heart's Desire Number:                                  7 
Personality Number:                                            13/4 
Maturity Number:                                                  11/2 
Life Path / Expression Bridge Number:                    5 
Heart's Desire / Personality Bridge Number:           4 
Karmic Lesson Number(s):                                   2 7 
Hidden Passion Number(s):                                     9 
Planes of Expression: 
          Physical Number:                                           9 
          Mental Number:                                               6 
          Emotional Number:                                    27/9 
          Intuitive Number:                                             6 
Balance Number:                                                      1 
Rational Thought Number:                                   43/7 
Cornerstone Letter:                                                  A 
Subconscious Self Number:                                     7 
First  Challenge Number:                                          1 

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Second Challenge Number:                                     6 
Third  Challenge Number:                                         5 
Fourth Challenge Number:                                       5 
First  Pinnacle Cycle (from birth to age 28):             6 
Second Pinnacle Cycle (from age 29 to 37):           1 
Third  Pinnacle Cycle (from age 38 to 46):               7 
Fourth Pinnacle Cycle (from age 47 to 55):             9 
First  Period Cycle (from birth to age 28):                7 
Second Period Cycle (from age 29 to 55):               8 
Third  Period Cycle (from age 56 on):                      2 

 In your progressive chart,  Transit Cycles are based on your full name at birth
and are represented by  letters, not numbers.  Transit Cycles and Essence
Cycles run from birthday to birthday.  Each Personal Year cycle runs from the
beginning of the year to the end of the  year. It's period of influence, however,
varies based on the month of birth,  and is felt most strongly during the months
closest to the month of birth.  Personal Year cycles make their presence felt
gradually and tend to overlap  for several months. A graph showing the actual
phases of influence can be  found at, or go  to and click on Tutorials in the top of the home page, then select  the
article "Your Personal Year cycle; when does it really start?"

Physical Transit                                                         I 
Mental Transit                                                           L 
Spiritual Transit                                                        E 
Essence Cycle                                                    17/8 
For 2010, President's yearly and monthly cycles are: 
Personal Year Cycle:                                                9 
Personal Month Cycles: 
January                                                                     1
February                                                                    2
March                                                                        3
April                                                                           4
May                                                                            5
June                                                                          6
July                                                                            7
August                                                                       8
September                                                                9
October                                                                     1
November                                                                 2

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December                                                                 3
At age 56, President's Transits and Essence cycle are: 
Physical Transit                                                         I 
Mental Transit                                                             I 
Spiritual Transit                                                        E 
Essence Cycle                                                    23/5 
For 2011, President's yearly and monthly cycles are: 
Personal Year Cycle:                                                1 
Personal Month Cycles: 
January                                                                     2
February                                                                    3
March                                                                        4
April                                                                           5
May                                                                            6
June                                                                          7
July                                                                            8
August                                                                       9
September                                                                1
October                                                                     2
November                                                                 3
December                                                                 4
At age 57, President's Transits and Essence cycle are: 
Physical Transit                                                         I 
Mental Transit                                                             I 
Spiritual Transit                                                        E 
Essence Cycle                                                    23/5 
For 2012, President's yearly and monthly cycles are: 
Personal Year Cycle:                                                2 
Personal Month Cycles: 
January                                                                     3
February                                                                    4
March                                                                        5
April                                                                           6
May                                                                            7
June                                                                          8
July                                                                            9
August                                                                       1
September                                                                2
October                                                                     3
November                                                                 4

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December                                                                 5